Ability to stop adding devices to known_devices.yaml (extra flag for devices_trackers?)

With bluetooth tracking now enabled I’m getting a very big known_devices.yaml files. After just a few weeks it was over 100.000 lines…

Would love to see an extra flag for device_trackers that allows ignoring any new devices/avoiding they get added to known_devices.yaml.

I don’t know in what degree the long known_devices impacts performance but it also impossible to find anything anymore.

Are you using this component?

You can disable tracking with it already:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: bluetooth_le_tracker
    track_new_devices: false

No, using the Google home component.

However -also according the docs- setting ‘track_new_devices: false’ will NOT avoid them being added to the known_devices.yaml. This is also the behavior I see.

did you configure it this way?

  - platform: googlehome
    host: IP_ADDRESS
      track_new_devices: false
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Yes. And it is my first entry in device trackers (which for some reason also has impact, see here)

  - platform: googlehome
    rssi_threshold: -100
    interval_seconds: 8
    consider_home: 400
      track_new_devices: false
      hide_if_away: false

Since you’ve configured it as per documentation and it does not work as expected, you should file a bug so the devs can see it. I’ll doubt this gets the required attention if you report it here as feature request.