I just set up an Abode alarm system and wanted more feedback on what is open when arming it and the state that is being set.
General Setup:
- Abode integrated via HomeKit to make it local
- Google Cloud TTS: Google Cloud Platform - Home Assistant
This sensor template build a comma delimited list of open windows and doors
- sensor:
- name: "Open Windows and Doors"
unique_id: open_windows_and_doors
state: >-
{% set daw = namespace(all=[], open=[]) %}
{% set daw.all = integration_entities('HSGW-B0C5CA3FE3D8') |
select("match", "^binary_sensor\..*") |
reject("match", ".*motion") |
reject("match", ".*monitor") |
reject("match", ".*glass_break") |
list | sort %}
{% for entity_id in daw.all -%}
{% if is_state(entity_id, 'on') -%}
{% set daw.open = daw.open + [device_attr(entity_id, 'name')] %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{{ daw.open | join(',') }}
I then have this automation, which on any sort of arming event does a few things:
- Sets the volume of the Google Home nearest the keypad to 50%
- Has Google describe what is open
- Says the alarm mode
- Locks any door that is closed
alias: Abode - Lock Doors on Arming
description: ''
- platform: device
device_id: 40927ec285a941deaead64c5c64abae9
domain: alarm_control_panel
entity_id: alarm_control_panel.abode_gateway
type: armed_home
- platform: device
device_id: 40927ec285a941deaead64c5c64abae9
domain: alarm_control_panel
entity_id: alarm_control_panel.abode_gateway
type: armed_away
- platform: device
device_id: 40927ec285a941deaead64c5c64abae9
domain: alarm_control_panel
entity_id: alarm_control_panel.abode_gateway
type: armed_night
condition: []
- service: media_player.volume_set
volume_level: 0.5
device_id: 70922a60f3e549ca96b682f424f8ba2f
- service: tts.google_cloud_say
entity_id: media_player.living_room_home
message: >-
{% if (states('sensor.open_windows_and_doors')|length) > 0 -%}
The {% for entity_name in
states('sensor.open_windows_and_doors').split(',') -%}{{ ', and ' if
loop.last else ('' if loop.first else ', ') }}{{ entity_name }}{%-
endfor %} are open.
{%- endif %} {% set alarm_state =
states('alarm_control_panel.abode_gateway') %} The Alarm is {{
'Home and Guarding' if alarm_state == 'armed_home' else (
'Armed Away' if alarm_state == 'armed_away' else alarm_state)
- if:
- type: is_not_open
condition: device
device_id: 0d44093aed3f39474d68ca8bd253492b
entity_id: binary_sensor.front_door
domain: binary_sensor
- device_id: b12ce00482c3ef986b4b411e1d600a34
domain: lock
entity_id: lock.front_door_lock
type: lock
- if:
- type: is_not_open
condition: device
device_id: 06e382ce129111eba4656115d8e580c6
entity_id: binary_sensor.garage_entry_door_contact
domain: binary_sensor
- device_id: caee159d5280bae85cf5cfc371c14bce
domain: lock
entity_id: lock.garage_door_lock
type: lock
else: []
- if:
- type: is_not_open
condition: device
device_id: 2566a2006c6b575fa6cdfbc97f23ebd3
entity_id: binary_sensor.basement_door
domain: binary_sensor
- device_id: 16128b7cfb5914857524a8f1aa6afdb4
domain: lock
entity_id: lock.basement_patio_door_lock
type: lock
else: []
mode: single
I also have a MarkDown template card that shows what is currently open:
- type: markdown
title: Open Windows and Doors
content: >-
* {{ states('sensor.open_windows_and_doors').split(',') | join('\n* ')}}
I’d love any feedback on the template sensor code as I’m not super familiar with jinja and it feels like manually rebuilding a list to do the is_state and device_attr checks is not the best way to go about it.