About Sonoff


  • Is Sonoff fully compatible with HA?
    Both Zigbee and Wi-Fi products work.
    Wi-Fi products work directly via their own eWeLink firmware (cloud) and via replacement Tasmota firmware (local, no cloud, faster). Flashing Tasmota to a new device isn’t easy, but it is worth it.

  • Is there any Sonoff Dual R3 zigbee version?
    No idea. See Reference 1.

  • Sonoff Wifi version goes through my Sonoff Zigbee Bridge or it goes to my wifi router directly?
    Zigbee is a different radio protocol from Wi-Fi. See Reference 2.
    A Sonoff Wi-Fi device contains an ESP microcontroller to connect directly to WiFi, and hence to Home Assistant via Wi-Fi, TCP/IP, and MQTT. Sonoff Wi-Fi kit (and Shelly) can run several firmware options - Sonoff, Tasmota, or even ESPhome.
    Sonoff Zigbee kit is completely different - hardware, radio, protocol.

If this helps, :heart: this post!

Reference 1:

Reference 2: