Where to start with ZigBee?


  • Zigbee is a standalone radio protocol. Both Sonoff and Hue produce Zigbee compatible products, but also kit based on other protocols.
  • Sonoff also produce ESP-based devices based on Wi-Fi, some of which can be modified to run Tasmota firmware. Tasmota is designed to run on Wi-Fi, not Zigbee radios.
  • Tuya make both modules for others, and their own hardware. Some use Wi-Fi, and probably some use Zigbee, but again are seperate.

Basically you seem to be confusing radio standards / manufacturers / and replacement firmware.

Have a look at Vesternet - their sales site breaks products down by the standard they use, rather than the manufacturer, which might help.

Sonoff are famous for their Wi-Fi connected switches based on ESP microcontrollers which can run Tasmota open firmware and MQTT.

Sonoff also produce a range of Zigbee devices - these are completely separate, and can’t interwork without something like HASS to link Wi-Fi+MQTT and Zigbee. Some Sonoff switches may look the same, but they use completely different microprocessors, and different radios (Wi-Fi verses Zigbee).

  • Sonoff S26 = Wi-Fi, contains an ESP, can run Tasmota or ESPhome and talk via MQTT over Wi-Fi
  • Sonoff S26R2ZB = Zigbee, no idea what’s inside, as Zigbee works locally

You can link a Hue bridge into HASS, but although it uses Zigbee, I believe Philips choose to limit it to only speak to their own products. To mix Zigbee devices such as a Sonoff temperature sensor and a Hue bulb, you’d need an open Zigbee radio like the Sonoff Zigbee v3.0 which works well. The USB port creates a serial interface which you may need to map through your VM.

IKEA produce cheap and widely available Zigbee devices, but these have many quirks as IKEA decided to mess around with the Zigbee protocol. The mains switches are fine, but I’d leave the radio remotes alone until you have more Zigbee experience.

IKEA mains switches are useful as most Zigbee mains powered kit acts as a Zigbee mesh router to extend the radio range. Don’t move your HASS device - add more mains Zigbee kit.

The Sonoff TH01 is a cheap Zigbee temp sensor which seems to work, although I’ve not tried the SNZB-02 humidity sensor. Sonoff door reeds and PIR movement sensors also work, and have batteries which are a hell of a lot cheaper than the Z-Wave equivalents.

If this helps, :heart: this post!