About tap_action

Dear experts, I want to ask if it’s no longer possible to use !include under tap_action to reference a YAML file. I just noticed that after upgrading, my button functions stopped working. What method can I use to restore the original functionality?

Should be possible assuming you are using YAML and not the UI.

Show us the yaml file.

          - type: custom:button-card
            name: >
              <ha-icon icon="mdi:nas"></ha-icon> NAS
              !include popup/nas.yaml
              - update.nas_dsm_update
              - sensor.nas_volume_1_status
              - binary_sensor.nas_security_status
              - sensor.disk_use_percent
              notify: >
                  let id = this._config.triggers_update;
                  if (id.every(e => states[e]))
                      return states[id[0]].state === 'on'
                          ? 1
                          : states[id[1]].state === 'background_scrubbing' ||
                            states[id[2]].state === 'on' ||
                            parseFloat(states[id[3]].state) >= 85;

I have never used $include this way, but I don’t see anything wrong. What does nas.yaml do? Have you looked at any log files?