Absolute Beginners guide to installing HA on Intel NUC using Docker

Firstly, thanks for a great tutorial.

Secondly, did anyone get bluetooth presence working?
I went the hassio/docker/ubuntu server route and got everything working except bluetooth presence.
I don’t see any errors in the HA logs, so I’m not sure what’s going on, is it even possible?

Thanks a lot. Helped me switch over from Pi to NUC.

I tried that first on my NUC since it worked perfectly on my RPI 3 b+. Unfortunately it did not work the same, the NUC did not recognize it at all. After about 10 attempts I have resigned myself to trying to figure out docker and dealing with Ubuntu!

Where can I find a simple guide how to upgrade Hassio on Docker? Last time I had to reinstall everything and restore an image. That took me about 2 hours and a lot of sweat…

You mean using the update tool in the hassio menu isn’t simple enough?

To my best understanding that’s not working in a hassio environment build in docker on a nuc? But perhaps I did something wrong last time?

Update has been working for me. NUC, Ubuntu, hassio.

I’ve not heard of such a thing

I’ll try and lets find out. Whish me luck…

Ok, I don’t know what went wrong last time but IT WORKED… thanks for the reminder that it’s so easy…

I could use a bit more guidance to upgrade Portainer to 1.22.1 using the GUI. Here’s what the manual says:

If you’re running Portainer as a container, it’s simply a matter of Docker image version. Just stop your existing
Portainer container, pull the latest portainer/portainer image and create a new Portainer container (using the same
options you used to create the previous one).
Anyone done this on a NUC with Ubuntu 18.04 Desktop LTS?

It doesn’t matter what OS you’re on. The process is the same. That’s one of the reasons docker exists.

docker pull portainer/portainer
docker kill portainer (if you’re container is called portainer)
The final step is to do the same run command you did the first time. You can find this in your bash history by typing
history | grep portainer/portainer
Just kick off the docker run command again and your portainer will be updated.

This would be even easier if it was in a docker compose.

docker-compose pull && docker-compose up -d

Running these commands from the Ubuntu terminal, Step 1, no problem. Step 2, arguments must be process or job ids.
I could kill the container from the Portainer GUI.

Then you didn’t have your docker container named portainer.

You just need to use docker ps -a to find out what your system called it. And kill/rm it using that name or it’s id. Like I commented (if your container is called portainer).

Thanks @flamingm0e. I got through the commands. New container, latest image, but security alert still appears on the home page of the gui. Oh well. At 1.22.1 now.

Since a week or two I can’t update any any add-on or the home assistant. I’m getting the following error:

19-10-29 22:17:25 ERROR (SyncWorker_4) [hassio.docker.interface] Can't install esphome/esphome-hassio-amd64:1.13.6 -> 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error ("Get https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/: dial tcp: lookup registry-1.docker.io on [::1]:53: read udp [::1]:52270->[::1]:53: read: connection refused").,

I understand that this has something to do with the DNS settings.
I’ve tried many solutions: Like making an /etc/docker/daemon.json with dns[“”]
other options like “sudo systemctl disable systemd-resolved.service”

Because I’m getting desperate I’m thinking “Why not reinstall home assistant?” This will get me at least to the latest version…
Is it correct that I just need to stop all the add-ons, remove dockers home-assistant and suprtvisor. Give the command below and I’m up and running again?

sudo docker run -d --name="homeassistant" --restart unless-stopped -v /srv/homeautomation/hass-config:/config --net=host homeassistant/home-assistant -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro

I’ve verified the pip version on my ubuntu 18.04 NUC is 19.3.1 using the pip --version command. However, I’m still getting this warning from the HA config checker:

WARNING: You are using pip version 19.2.2, however version 19.3.1 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.

Does the update need to be made elsewhere?

If you’re using Docker, it doesn’t matter what version anything is on the host.

If you’re using Docker, ignore that message because it doesn’t pertain to anything that’s going to affect you. Let the developers take care of it when they see fit. It will be updated in a future docker image when it matters.

Yes. Docker-CE. I’ll ignore the error. Thanks again.

These are really useful instructions, thanks @piyush et al - I just wish I’d found them when I was starting off with docker. However I found the bit that comes next was still a mystery, how to put together a working docker compose with just the bare-bone configs. Now I worked it out I’d like to share it with others, to see if anyone else finds it useful.

Configs to clone once docker installed

If you follow the instructions above for docker, then simply clone the repo from https://github.com/artmg/home-assistant-docker this will give you a working docker-compose and empty configs to start you off with nginx proxy, HA app server and Postgre backend. Once you have these services running, it’s easy to merge in whatever config you used to use before your docker days.

It looks from this thread like mosquitto and portainer are other popular options for starters, so I might include those in there too. I welcome any feedback. Thanks