November 9, 2023, 3:49pm
I have problems with my Pi4, the ethernet port and my whole network speed.
After days of research my biggest hope is disabling the energy effiicient ethernet. but i struggle how to manage that.
There are some solutions, but they require linux comands or acces to /etc/systemd/system/
i also tried ethtool, but in HA OS it wont work.
opened 01:01PM - 17 Apr 21 UTC
When Energy Efficient Ethernet is enabled and active from a new ins… tall of Raspberry Pi OS on a Pi 4B 8GB, **gigabit ethernet** transfer with the built-in ethernet adapter becomes slow and unresponsive with packets being dropped. Other computers supporting EEE plugged into the same network behave normally, even if they are tested in the same port that the Pi was connected. When the Pi is connected with EEE enabled, it also results in some odd behaviour on other devices connected to the same switch such as causing the other device to drop packets and/or reconnect constantly. Removing the Pi from the network causes the behaviour on the switch and other device to return to normal.
**To reproduce**
When Pi 4B 8GB is connected to gigabit switch with default EEE behaviours, the network performance of the Pi deteriorates as above.
Status from ethtool --show-eee eth0:
EEE Settings for eth0:
EEE status: enabled - active
Tx LPI: inactive
Supported EEE link modes: 100baseT/Full
Advertised EEE link modes: 100baseT/Full
Link partner advertised EEE link modes: 100baseT/Full
**Temporary fix**
As soon as EEE is disabled with 'ethtool --set-eee eth0 eee off', ethernet performance returns to normal at gigabit speeds.
I am unsure which logs would be necessary to help diagnose the problem... please let me know and I will be happy to add them!
Equipment in use: Home network with BT Business Hub in use as modem and switch + Powerline ethernet with built in switch (BT Mini Connector)
A relevant forum thread: https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=305820
there must be somewhing wrong with the settings, bc the sensors show “unknown” parameters on my Pi4, my Pi3b+ shows them correctly.
has anyone a solution how i disable this damn eee?
PLS help, right now i have a second raspi, lend by my friend, but he wants this pi back asap.
November 9, 2023, 10:31pm
EEE is probably something that needs to be enabled on the other end too, so try to disable it there.
Did you find out how to solve that?
I’m struggling as I’m having the same issue and I don’t know how to disable ethernet eee
Thank you
December 3, 2023, 8:15pm
Disable it on the switch or router or whatever there is in the other end.