Access attributes of a entity that is passed as `data:` to a script

In automation I call a script:

service: script.my_script
  cover_id: cover.my_cover

How can I access the attributes of cover.my_cover that is passed as cover_id to the script? I tried something like this, but it is not working:

condition: template
  value_template: '{{ cover_id.attributes.current_position > 50 }}'
condition: template
  value_template: '{{ states[cover_id].attributes.current_position > 50 }}'

I haven’t tried this, but another idea to try: you can use this type of syntax to refer to it:
{{ states(cover_id) }}

Experiment with the template dev tool.

Thanks, but states(cover_id) will return only the state string and not the object

I’ve tried already a lot of things and unfortunately no more ideas.

Did you figure it out by now? I think I have a similar problem and there’s no solution in sight…

@daifel, @ih8gates, @sysop

should just be {{ cover_id }}. Passing variables spells this out perfectly in the script documentation:

Look at the last example.

From that point forward, if you are trying to get cover attributes, you need to split the domain and device from the cover id:

value_template: >
  {% set domain, device = cover_id.split('.') %}
  {{ states[domain][device].attributes.current_position > 50 }}


value_template: >
  {{ state_attr(cover_id, 'current_position') > 50 }}

these methods are covered in:

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