Access Frigate v14 Animated Preview in Node Red

Hi All,

I have moved completely over to Frigate and am loving it! One of the features that I love from Frigate v14 is the animated preview gif that it has on the main page. I currently have all of my notifications in Node-Red and it’s working great there.

I started to wonder if I could attach this gif on my notification. I can easily access the thumbnail, snapshot and clip like it describes here, but don’t see any way to access the animation. Has anyone figured this out?

For the record I also couldn’t see a way to do this in the official Frigate blueprint for Home Assistant automations. If I can get that working I assume that I can easily replicate it in Node-Red. Thanks in advance!

this can be done the same way as the others by using /event_preview.gif frigate-hass-integration/custom_components/frigate/ at 678c640ba16f3bbb1a6e51398b5df954352f46c3 · blakeblackshear/frigate-hass-integration · GitHub


You might need to use a custom Lovelace card or modify the existing blueprint to support GIFs. Create a script that triggers when an event occurs and includes the GIF URL in the notification payload.


alias: Notify with Frigate GIFtrigger: #%20Define%20your%20trigger%20hereaction:%20%20service:%20notify.your_notification_service%20%20data:%20%20%20%20message:%20%22Check%20out%20the%20latest%20event!%22%20%20%20%20data:%20%20%20%20%20%20attachment:%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20url:%20%22http://your-frigate-server/path-to-gif.gif%22%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20content-type:%20%22image/gif%22

Best Regard,