Access PI via ipv6

Hey guys, i am currently tring to get my hassio accessable from outside my network.
And i have a few problems!

i cant seem to be able to connect to the pi via its ipv6 adress, even locally, and it seems my rounter does not support any port forwarding for ipv4 anymore, which is a shame.

Do i have to enable ipv6 on my hassio somewhere?

I have setup duckdns with my external ipv4 and ipv6 adress.


I have the same issue. For me it looks like my router’s DHCP server does not even assign a ipv6 address to my pi.

Unfortunately my ISP only assigns public ipv6 subnets and no public accessible ipv4 addresses. (Ipv4 internet access seems to be done via some strange NAT method.

So any help regarding the ipv6 issue is appreciated by me. Thank you in advance