But you can’t get both into one sensor’s attributes without creating additional dummy sensors (and having to do that for more than just a few will REALLY clutter the states, and also make using the UI difficult, as suggestions when e.g., adding lovelace cards could be cluttered by many sensors with very similar names).
So, I would like request that you can either access by standard dot notifications, so:
If I’m understanding what you’re saying, then that way of doing it isn’t very useful in practice, when you have keys with a lot of (sometimes nested in several levels) data. If exposing two, as in your second example, then I’d have the dictionary:
"two_one": "2_1",
"two_two": "2_2"
in the attributes. In my case (I actually did try that before posting this), the nested attribute is one of about 40 associated with the top level key. So doing it this way gives me super long attributes in my sensor. If looking at the states page int he UI, I can barely fit the sensor on one page since it’s so long.
With the way of doing it I’m suggesting, the attribute would just be the 2-digit integer that I actually need.
I get that the data I want is present somewhere in that long dictionary of the attributes, but I don’t want the “mess” of all the stuff I don’t want/need being shown in the attributes. It makes it cumbersome to use certain aspects (such as scrolling through the states tab of Developer tools).