I install using vmdk on vmware. I could access host machine shell, I understand core HA on docker in host. So dumb question how can i access python code and configuration file. I need to modify a python file for fixing streaming camera and get .storage folder
Are you trying to add custom Python scripts? https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/python_script/
should help you if you are. The .storage folder is in the config folder, but you need to turn on “show hidden files”.
No I need to modify source code. There s issue with rstp (not working with UDP protocol camera, it is already in pull request but no information from dev to fix it), so modify source code is the only way
So if you are running in docker, you have to open a shell in that docker. Here is the instruction:
You can run docker ps to list the docker containers on your system. One should be named homeassistant. Take note of the container id for that container.
By running docker exec -it /bin/bash you open a shell in that container, and you can explore the new file system.
Tks, I will try docker method. However it is very hard to edit code using shell. Do you have any idea about ssh or run samba on docker image, not host
Well, I think it will be easier to setup a development environment, do the necessary code changes and the deploy it via docker bash.