I have searched but the only references are not with using HassOS, which is my installation. So my question is how do I access the backup folder (where snapshots are stored) from appdaemon? I can access other folders such as /config, /data, etc. Using SSH, I can see what folders are there, and can access most through AD, such as /bin, /config, /data, etc., but not backup. The backup folder is listed and also has all the same permissions as everything else so I don’t think that is it either. Any help would be appreciated.
# works with /config folder
def create_snapshot(self, kwargs):
path = r'/config'
files = os.listdir(path)
# 2020-12-04 19:37:09.083119 INFO snapshot: [ 'www', 'OZW_Log.txt', 'appdaemon', 'themes.yaml', etc..
# does not work with /backup folder
def create_snapshot(self, kwargs):
path = r'/backup'
files = os.listdir(path)
# FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/backup'