Accessing custom server port on AppDaemon


I’m trying to run a custom TCP API server with in AppDaemon. However I can not connect to the server from outside. It looks like Docker instance do not let the port out (5020).

Is there anyway to edit the docker file for AppDaemon and allow to open up more ports? Where is it located?


Yes, you need to open the port in Docker. If you set up the Docker container with Docker run, just add

-p 5020:5020

to the run command.
If you are using a Docker compose file, add

    - "5020:5020"

to the Docker compose file.

Thanks for answer! My problem is that I do not know where the Docker compose file is located. Honesty could not even find any code for the AppDaemon add-on. Do you have idea where this is located? I install the AppDaemon using Add-on Store.

End up making it work by installing AppDaemon as local addon and the modifying config.

Wacky solution but work :slight_smile: if you want to fallow just downloads repository/appdaemon at master · hassio-addons/repository · GitHub into you local addons and than just modify repository/config.yaml at 29acbc4ed62677a7f53a5bcaac2edcadb5a3eb4f · hassio-addons/repository · GitHub