Accessing HA data remotely with a mqtt client

I would like to access remotely to HA entities through mqtt-client. I’ve been around the internet googling and it appear not to be as easy as I expected.

I would like to access entities, attributes and states with the tipical topic/get and topic/set from mqtt protocol.

For example to this entity:

is this possible or am I wasting my time?


can someone give me a clue?

amazing forum, thanks for everything

Have you looked into the MQTT State Stream?

Great AaronCake, your advice has shown me the way, I really appreciate it. I can now publish any data for any entity to my external broker.

I’ve solved half of the question, the other half is, how do I set/change the values for any entity? that is to say - > How can I Subcribe to an mqtt message and change entity value into HA?

Thanks a lot AaronCake