Accessing Hassio on Old iMac

Hi All
I have an old 2007 iMac 20" Computer that I want to use in my office for testing and updating Config file, Node-Red and Esphome.
I enter hassio.local:8123 to go to the hassio Lovelace UI. My Hassio installation is running on a Raspberry Pi and working fine from my 27" iMac and my MacBook Air laptop. Full Access to all Add On’s

However once it loads I can view overview page, and configuration page however when I click on

  1. Configurator or
  2. Node-Red or
    it does not display the dashboards for these 3 pages
    What have I tried:
  4. I have tried entering the local IP address 192.168.x.xx:8123 however that does not work either. Same result
  5. I have copied the URL link from the panel_iframe URL and gone to that URL. Same Result. only shows the overview ui

It is the same as when I access home assistant from outside of my network on browser, tablet or iPhone. Shows me dashboard however I cannot go to the configurator, esphome, or bordered


  1. Is their some other code, or python or other components that I have to install on the iMac to allow access to home assistant from the Pi?
  2. Is the old 2007 iMac not capably of viewing the add ons?
  3. Is it a permissions issue or SSL issue or something similar?

iMac is running Version 10.10? Yosemiti
Hope someone can help