Accessing lovelace dashboard without logging into home assistant

I want to add a Roku remote to my appdaemon dashboard and since appdaemon doesn’t provide that support out of the box, I was planning on using a iframe widget pointing to a lovelace dashboard containing a roku remote card. It works except that since I am accessing the URL from outside the home assistant UI, I need to log into home assistant.
Is there a way to access the lovelace dashboards without having to log into home assistant?

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You can bypass the login screen by adding and modifying in your configuration.yaml the following example

    - type: homeassistant 
    - type: trusted_networks
        - 192.168.x.x ## your device IP
        192.168.x.x: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ### the user id
      allow_bypass_login: true

Great! Exactly what i needed to get my iPad 2 working. :slight_smile:


Is this still working? For some reason I still cant get the login prompt to go away!

Using dashcast and chromecast, with only one user that’s not part of “system”.

Is it possible the my chromecast is using some external IP to request, and bypassing these exclusions?

Unfortunately, to me, it doesn’t work :frowning:
After “login” through Trusted Networks appears only an Home Assistant logo and nothing else

Hi, yes it still works for me without any change.

Just set it up and can confirm that it works. The thing I struggled with the most was getting the user id.

Easiest way was to add “/config/users” to your local HA address and click on the user you want the ID of.

Edit It’s working now. I wasn’t sure which IP got where :wink:

#    - type: homeassistant # this should not be in here 
    - type: trusted_networks
#    - 192.168.x.x/24 ## your devices' subnet (where you want to login) # pick a subnet or an IP
        - 192.168.x.x ## your device IP  (where you want to login)
      trusted_users: ## the HA instance IP
        192.168.x.x: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ## the user id
      allow_bypass_login: true
## The user id can be found here: http://homeassistant.local:8123/config/users

Original msg:
Thanks! I’ve tried it to cast the HA url to a Google hub, but the login screen keeps showing.
For the ‘Device IP’ I used the hub IP
For the trusted users IP I used the HA IP
Then I tried all combinations of the two.

Which IP of which device should I use?

Thanks in advance

Hi, came acroos your post, not sure if you ever figured it out - just take “- type: homeassistant” out from the top, and put it at the end on new line after “allow_bypass_login” … this will alllow the login automatically without any user intervention.

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it works! Thanks a mil, Rohan!

Is it still working for you? I get stuck on initializing screen (in HA app or Safari) on iPad2 9.3.5

Yes it still works fine.
Now I have this line in config yaml

homeassistant: !include homeassistant.yaml

And added homeassistant.yaml with this:

  - type: trusted_networks
      - 192.168.x.x/24 ## your devices' subnet (where you want to login) # pick a subnet or an IP
      192.168.x.x: ************************ ### the user id, from a specific HA instance
    allow_bypass_login: true

I did exactly this, filling in my subnet address and the IP and that very long user ID from my HA instance, and am still stuck on “initializing” on my iPad running 9.3.5, just as I was before. I tried using the subnet address instead of the IP address for the trusted_users address, same thing.

Also tried http://[HA address]:8123/config/users. Same result.

This topic is about accessing the Home Assistant dashboard without having to login. I tested this a while ago and got it working by very carefully following the available instructions.

However; When I tried this with an old iPad with iOS version 9.3.5, the dashboard did not work at all. This is because the browser of iOS version 9.3.5 is too old to process the Home Assistant dashboard. As far as I know there is no way to use the Lovelace dashboard with Safari(and all other browsers) of iOS version 9.3.5.

The only alternative I ever found was to use VNC to display the screen of another machine which displays the Lovelace dashboard.

Hi everone! I’ve been using DashCast successfully a Google Home Hub and a few months ago I purchased a Pixel Tablet Hub, and I intend to use DashCast to cast my Home Assistant interface to both.

I came across this issue: When I set this up, maybe a year ago, my Home Hub was displaying the interface directly without showing the login page. Then, maybe when I added the Tablet Hub (I’m not exactly sure if the problem started at this moment, it’s a guess) the Home Hub started showing the login page every time it’s restarted, and I need to select the cast user and click login.

I would like to find a way to bypass the login page for both the Home Hub.

This is my auth_providers in configuration.yaml:

# CATT (Cast All The Things)
    - type: trusted_networks
        - #homehub
        - #pixeltablet 
      trusted_users: cast_user
      allow_bypass_login: true
    - type: homeassistant

Can anyone help me find what’s missing here? Or what could be causing the Home Hub to ask for the user each time? Trusted network works, since I just have to select the user and click login, it’s not asking for username and password. Is there any way to block a user from trusted networks so there’s only one option?
