Hi, I have tried to use the MotionEye addon in HA (hosted in RPi4) for my 4 camera and the results are not favorable. I’m thinking to setup the MotionEye separately on my RPi3 to offload the processing to different hardware.
May I know how can I access the MotionEye from HA which hosted at different hardware? I don’t want to use the HA camera integration. Is there anyway I can expose the MotionEye camera overview page on HA Lovelace UI?
Thanks. I’m currently using DuckDNS with port forward 8123 to 8123 and I access my HA remotely with https://duckdns.domain:8123. If I need to use the reverse proxy, what is the easiest way to implement it?
Are you saying HA needs reverse proxy or motioneye need proxy?
I can access motioneye in iframe at HA local IP without using reverse proxy.
My motioneye has its own domain and i only access through this. I believe for iframe you need valid https endpoint with valid (not self signed basically) cert.
Just sounded like putting HA behind proxy was recommendation but motioneye at https site is my recommendation. Reverse Proxy for motioneye is easiest way to achieve that.
I think we basically saying same thing but not want confuse @KCYeoh
Hi, I have just setup the NGINX addon in my HA and I can now access my HA with local IP and remotely with DuckDNS. However, when I tried to incorporate the MotionEye (hosted at different RPi) link into my Lovelace, I can view them with only if I access my HA with local IP.
It can’t be viewed if I access my HA with remotely with DuckDNS and I guess it is because my MotionEye http is not encrypted since it is hosted at different RPi.
I need some help. I have setup Nginx reverse proxy on the same RPi as the MotionEye setup. For my Nginx setup, I have a self signed SSL certificates using openssl and I’m able to access the https link of my MotionEye with my PC browser. Although there is warning message about it can’t verify the certificate source.
However, I’m still not able to access the MotionEye https link in my HA. It says refuse to connect. My HA is in https connection and so as my MotionEye link.
My understanding is since both links are https now and by right my HA should be able to access my MotionEye page.
Hi, I’m not sure how to include MotionEye in HA cert. Can you please give me some guide? Also, I’m found this page. It uses the Nginx addon in HA to reverse proxy of local IP, the post is kinda old and I’m not sure if this will work. What do you think?