Ok, newb question, I’m running Ubuntu (VM) with the HA docker container on top - I’ve never run docker (or a container) before this, and I’m not familiar with how this functions. Ubuntu VM is setup in ESXi. When I login to ESXi and access this VM console, I cannot get to a Ubuntu command prompt, I only see the following. How do I get to a command prompt? I want to get to the command prompt so that I can update Ubuntu (is this even necessary? does Ubuntu get updated through HA?). I can SSH into HA.
unless you are sitting down at the ubuntu console (ie a monitor and keyboard physically connected to the ubuntu machine) you will have to ssh into the ubuntu machine.
This will not interfere with ssh running as a hassio addon, providing you set them to run on different ports. I would suggest port 22 on the host, and rum the addon on another port, say 222.
@nickrout that is the console screen above. That’s my challenge, I’m at the console screen and there’s no command prompt. I’m guessing it has something to do with docker container running, but again, I don’t have any experience with this
Ok, if you want to exit the interactive mode during a docker session (while in console) “type ctrl+p and ctrl+q after each other”. This was the solution, found it here
UPDATE: doing the above killed my docker session (hassio). had to restart from ubuntu cmd prompt. Hassio started right back up though and ubuntu is updated
The picture above shows a prompt
hassio login:
It is just that some console logging follows that. Press return and the prompt will repeat.
I tried pressing return, but nothing happened. That’s what prompted this post. However, once I typed ctrl-p the command prompt re-appeared.