I would like to enable the Accuweather forecast but not at the expense of having the rest of the data reduced to updating every 64 minutes. As it is every 32 minutes is longer than I’d like to go between updates for current weather info. Though I completely understand this is due to the limitations of the free tier of their API.
I don’t keep weather history and don’t care if the weather info is accurate when I’m asleep. Say between 10:00pm and 6:00am. If the updates could be configured to only run during the hours I care about the frequency could be increased while staying within the 50 request limit.
Side note: I can think of ways to work around this on my own by using the AccuWeather integration for forecasts and relying on custom rest based sensor against their API for the couple pieces of current weather info I care about (say temperature, wind chill, etc) and try to manage the number of calls within my waking hours myself but that’s a challenging and likely to push me over my 50 calls limit especially because I don’t know what time of day Accuweather resets the limit counter.