Would it be possible to add a sensor for humidity to the AccuWeather integration?
At present the integration creates sensors for apparent temperature, cloud cover, realfeel temperature, uv index, etc. but not humidity.
When I check the state of the weather entity created by the integration there is an attribute for humidity and I can configure a template sensor for this, but would be “cleaner” to have this created by the integration in the same way as the other sensors.
If you edit the weather card, you’ll find towards the bottom is “Secondary Info Attribute (Optional)”. Within in that you can select Humidity. It will add humidity value just under the temperature display.
Is there away to select other weather data you like and place it in the secondary option?
I see Humidity is in the menu but it appears Accuweather UV Index or RealFeal is not available. It would really be nice if one can add multiple options in the secondary option and separate it by a slash.(/)