Act as a Matter bridge

This is a great initiative. For it to be able to replace the cloud integration, will it also have a way to expose scripts as some kind of matter device? maybe e push button of it cannot be exposed as a script like entity?

At the moment I have added scenes, scripts, and automations to be published as on-off-switch to matter. :+1:t3:

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Wow, thans for making this addon. We are one step closer to get local control.

I installed the docker version and paired mattebridge with HASS exposing lights. I can’t control effects, colors nor temperature but it is a step in the right direction.

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Thank you for the feedback. I have seen your GitHub issue :+1:t3:

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I am using this with scenes for the time being and it is great. My voice commands runs a lot faster than with the google home integration.

Just tested it out, works great for me latency-wise.

Two notes:

  • Alexa pairing did not work when I had over 100 devices in the aggregator (Apple Home did)
  • It would be awesome to have the aggregator ignore hidden entities, I hide useless entities in my HA setup and they get omitted by the Alexa and HomeKit integration. A similar behaviour would be perfect.

Hi, thanks for your feedback.
I created GitHub issues for both.

  1. issue #52
  2. issue #53

Unfortunately I am a bit limited with my time this week and still have other bugs / features to solve.

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Amazing work, just tried the add-on and it works well exporting to Alexa.

This is not a feature request, because I’m sure you’re busy and have alot still planned, but do you eventually plan to add light color and temperature? Do you intend to add other “matter device types” down the road?

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Thanks for the feedback!
Which version are you currently using? Color (hs and rgb) and color temp (kelvin) should both work - still need to update the docs though. Could you provide some details if it’s not working for you?

As of now fans and climates are requested as new entity types. But feel free to request more as a GitHub issue. At the moment I am still working on stabilization as a higher priority than new types :smiley:


Woah, thank you very much for your work!
I was looking for this feature for such a long time and finally found it :smiley:
And the best: it is so easy to integrate and works very fast as welI.
I can even fully control the light of my first gen xiaomi hub via Alexa. Never expected to have all smart home devices kind of talking to each other in such a simple way.

The only thing I have to figure out is, if there is a way to use a helper entity (like a button) to control devices which are only available inside Alexa and on the other side if there is a way to control a simple helper devices via matter.

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I have added support for input_boolean helpers.
Additionally automations/scripts/scenes can be exposed as switches. Turning them on triggers them. At least that could act as a workaround until the entity types you are missing are supported :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi, thanks for this awesome add on. I am feeling stupid right now. I can’t get Alexa to pair with this bridge. It just sits on “looking”. Is there something I need to do to put the matter bridge in pairing mode? Do I use the pairing code in the web front end or the add on log? Thanks for any help!

Edit: I Clicked the Reset Matterbridge Commissioning button and tried again and it worked.

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I had to open the page of matter Bridge (link is in the addon).
Then you can see a QR-Code on the top left side.
Then open the Alexa app, go to => Add (Plus on the top right corner) => Device => Other (scroll completely down) => matter => Yes => Yes => Scan QR code. Then you can scan the code from the other device. For me it worked instantly.

Thanks. It did eventually work for me but I needed to reset the commissioning in the matterbridge UI first. Before doing that, Alexa just kept saying searching until it timed out.

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Thanks @t0bst4r

  • I’m using the most recent version 1.5.2-72.
  • Lights that support both color and temperature work fine through matter to Alexa. Matter Bridge exposes OnOff, Hue, Saturation, Level clusters
  • Lights that only support temperature (not RGB) do not show any temperature control on Alexa. Matter Bridge exposes OnOff, levels clusters. If I add the same light through Nabu Casa integration Temperature is shown in Alexa.
  • On HA side these lights are using Z2M. Some lights are Tuya Zigbee, others are Aqara

Yes, I know that. I made the mistake to assume that color is a prerequisite for temperature. Which is wrong obviously. :roll_eyes::sweat_smile:

I added this to the todo list:

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Thanks @t0bst4r for all the great work.

Do you know if it’s possible to change the device type of dimmable lights and switches?

Currently all lights and groups are exposed as MA-onofflight (0x0100) as Device type in Matterbridge (at least for me). Would it be possible to expose lights as Dimmable Light (0x0101), Color Temperature Light (0x010C) or Extended Color Light (0x010D)?

The reason I’m asking is that I’m trying to use this with my flic twist and for the twist functionality (for example changing the brightness) to work its needs to see a dimmable light to bridged as one of the aforementioned device types

WOW ! Excellent work !

I have started to use this as a docker container and I can see my devices (even disabled ones) in Google Home now ! Just need to figure out how to use Matter devices from the new Switchbot Universal remote and it will be great !

Looking at the logs of the container, I could see:

docker-matter-bridge-1  | 2024-07-05 17:24:09.956 INFO   UdpMulticastServer   wireguard: send Unknown system error -126
docker-matter-bridge-1  | 2024-07-05 17:24:09.956 INFO   UdpMulticastServer   wireguard: send Unknown system error -126
docker-matter-bridge-1  | 2024-07-05 17:24:10.137 INFO   UdpMulticastServer   wireguard: send Unknown system error -126
docker-matter-bridge-1  | 2024-07-05 17:24:10.191 INFO   UdpMulticastServer   wireguard: send Unknown system error -126

Any idea why a VPN solution is mentioned ? It is a bit scary

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Is there any way to run two instances of the HA matterbridge addon in one instance of HA OS?

I have a guest house whose devices are all on the same HA controller as the main house, but I want Google to think of those devices as being in a separate house so that guests can’t control the main house. From what I’ve seen, Google treats devices behind a matter bridge as if they’re all one device. You can’t individually remove them from a home or between homes in Google Home.

So, the only solution I can see is to run two parallel instances of matterbridge with different configs for each structure. Thoughts?

Maybe I’m blind, but can someone tell me where I can find the QR Code after first setup? There is no QR Code anymore in log even after a restart of the add-on.