Actionable Notification Help

@robbiet480 I’ve followed your instructions on how to set up actionable notifications but it doesn’t appear to be working for me. Running the latest beta seed and iOS 10.3.

Here is my code.

  - name: Alarm
    identifier: 'ALARM'
      - identifier: 'SOUND_ALARM'
        title: 'Sound Alarm'
        activationMode: 'background'
        authenticationRequired: yes
        destructive: yes
        behavior: 'default'
      - identifier: 'SILENCE_ALARM'
        title: 'Silence Alarm'
        activationMode: 'background'
        authenticationRequired: yes
        destructive: no
        behavior: 'textInput'
        textInputButtonTitle: 'Silencio!'
        textInputPlaceholder: 'Placeholder' 

Here is the automation which should fire the notification. Notice I try two separate ways to receive the notification. The second option says press for more but the buttons don’t show up.

- alias: Test
    platform: state
    entity_id: input_boolean.test3
    from: 'off'
    to: 'on'
    - service: input_boolean.turn_off
      entity_id: input_boolean.test3
    - service: notify.notify
        message: "Testing 1"
            badge: 1
            category: 'ALARM'
            entity_id: light.test
            my_custom_data: foo_bar
    - service: notify.ios_yoavs_iphone_7_plus
        message: "Testing 2"
            badge: 1
            category: "ALARM"
            entity_id: light.test
            my_custom_data: foo_bar

The YAML you posted won’t work because categories isn’t indented under push: It should look like this exactly:

      - name: Alarm
        identifier: 'ALARM'
          - identifier: 'SOUND_ALARM'
            title: 'Sound Alarm'
            activationMode: 'background'
            authenticationRequired: yes
            destructive: yes
            behavior: 'default'
          - identifier: 'SILENCE_ALARM'
            title: 'Silence Alarm'
            activationMode: 'background'
            authenticationRequired: yes
            destructive: no
            behavior: 'textInput'
            textInputButtonTitle: 'Silencio!'
            textInputPlaceholder: 'Placeholder'

@robbiet480 not sure why the forum formatted it that way. It was correct in my yaml file. I copy pasted your code and still i only get the notification and not the actionable buttons. Not sure what i’m doing wrong.

Updated the push settings in the app?

I’m also having trouble getting actionable notifications to work. I have copied the example config exactly and modified as needed, but no action buttons are showing on the notification. I have updated push settings in the app as well.

iOS 10.2.1

One interesting note is that adding the category results in a duplicated notification.

EDIT: Example test…

The press for more notification results in the view below. Still no action buttons.

When you say copied the example config I assume you mean the configuration you put under the push key, correct?

Yes. Same as Maaniac posted above.

Make sure you hit Update Push Settings in the app after restarting Home Assistant. If it still isn’t working then try restarting the device. Sounds crazy I know but Apple sometimes fails to register the notification content extensions and will only attempt a re-register on restart.

Did you find a solution? I’m having the same problem. I also tried restarting ha and my phone, updated push settings, and still no luck.

I am brand new at Home Assistance, not sure if this is going to help.

I spent the last two days trying to get the buttons to show up, but all I got was just the message and no buttons. Turned out it was there the whole time. The problem was I was clicking on the notification instead of sliding it to the left (if phone is locked) or pulling down (if phone is unlock). Clicking it will open up the app and does nothing. It would be nice if the action will pop up in the app as well.

I’m running IOS 10.3.3. This will explain it better


Thanks for this. This was my issue! My config was correct but no buttons. I swipe down and BAM! Buttons.

Thanks man. I’m using HA for quite a while now, but I was banging my head why I couldn’t make this happen. Tried all sorts of configs, and it turned out I did every perfect, but no buttons.

Finally the mystery is solved!

I am having the same issues. Tried Swiping left, right, up, and down. Pushed harder on the notification. Still no button. Reset HA, restarted iphone, update push settings.

What am i doing wrong?

Do you have everything in the configuration file set up correctly?

I think I do

category must be lower case and it has to match with the identifier on the ios part

          category: 'garage1'

Thank you. I knew it was something stupid i messed up on.

Beat me to it lol

Quick headsup from my side.
I had trouble getting the action buttons to show.
Seems that title should not contain commas?

OMG you’re f’ing kidding me. Spent the last 3 hours on this… I had it set up right, just wasn’t swiping, lmao. oh how dumb.