Actionable notification not running an automation

I have two automations, one that send a notification my iPhone when I leave home with a button to run the goodbye routing. The second is to turn on a switch that runs the routine.

This is the first one and it fires the notification as expected.

alias: Send actionable notification when Mike is away
description: >-
  This will send an actionable notification to Mike's iPhone when he leaves
  - platform: geo_location
    source: device_tracker.mike_s_iphone_12_mini_3
    zone: zone.home
    event: leave
condition: []
  - service: notify.mobile_app_mike_s_iphone_13
      message: Mike has left home, would you like to turn on away?
          - action: Away
            title: Set Away
mode: single

Here is the second one and it turns on the switch as expected:

alias: Set Away from a Notification
description: This automation will set the house to away from a notification on iOS
  - platform: event
    event_type: mobile_app_notification_action
      action: Away
  - type: turn_on
    device_id: 3c8bc33a8835ec2d3bd41faf422c38ca
    entity_id: switch.good_bye_routine
    domain: switch
mode: single

The issue that I am having is that the first automation isn’t triggering the second. I’ve read the docs and think I am passing the event data as action: Away but something is wrong.

When you tap on the notification, are you long-pressing it?

I am not, do I need to?

On IOS you need to long-press to run the actions - limitation of iphones apparently. For me, it makes actionable notifications pretty much useless.

Okay, so it does seem to be working when I long press.

Problem I realized I am having now is that the first notification isn’t being sent when I leave zone.home. Anything stick out in my YAML?