Actionable Notifications are not working

I’m following this guide to create an Actionable Notification with node-red:

I can get the notication to show up on my iPhone alright, but when I press the action on the iPhone lock-screen nothing happens.

Also, looking at the All Events stream I see no ios.notification_action_fired event being fired.

The push notification looks like this:

      - name: MySecuritySystem
        identifier: 'mysecuritysystem'
          - identifier: 'ARM_ALARM'
            title: "Home security"
            activationMode: 'background'
            authenticationRequired: no
            destructive: yes
            behavior: 'default'

Notifications are triggered from node-red with this:

    "message": "Disarmed",
    "data": {
        "push": {
            "badge": 1,
            "category": "mysecuritysystem"

Anyone have an idea about how to solve this or how to troubleshoot it?

UPDATE: Upgraded to 0.86.1, but it still does not work.

Thank you

Running w/ HA version 0.85.1

I found the solution here: Actionable notifications stop working in 0.83.1 · Issue #18858 · home-assistant/core · GitHub