Actionable Notifications: does it need access to a ha instance directly?

Quite sure this is the case, but from my iPhone I need to be able to access my HA instance for actionable notifications to reach the HA instance correct? It doesn’t use nabucasa or APNS to magically reach from iphone back to push origination endpoint without it being reachable from the internet?

The symptom is the without wifi the actions do not reach the HA instance.

is it possible to point a webhook as part of the URI? so that it will work if I setup a webhook for each action? better than having the whole instance open the the internet?

I tried this, but the custom URL’s aren’t being called, its not making an open browser or POST call to that webhook? should this work?

	"data": {
		"title": "{{}}",
		"message": "{{extra.time}} - {{extra.alarm}}",
		"data": {
			"push": {
				"category": "ZM"
			"action_data": {
				"entity_id": "input_boolean.send_notification_front"
			"url": [{
					"_": ""
					"MUTE_1_HOUR": ""
					"MUTE_3_HOUR": ""
					"MUTE_6_HOUR": ""
					"MUTE_TOMORROW": ""


my ios config looks like this

      - name: ZoneMinder
        identifier: 'ZM'
          - identifier: 'MUTE_1_HOUR'
            title: 'Mute for 1 Hour'
            activationMode: 'background'
            authenticationRequired: false
            destructive: false
            behavior: 'default'
          - identifier: 'MUTE_3_HOUR'
            title: 'Mute for 3 Hours'
            activationMode: 'background'
            authenticationRequired: false
            destructive: false
            behavior: 'default'
          - identifier: 'MUTE_6_HOUR'
            title: 'Mute for 6 Hours'
            activationMode: 'background'
            authenticationRequired: false
            destructive: false
            behavior: 'default'
          - identifier: 'MUTE_TOMORROW'
            title: 'Mute till Tomorrow'
            activationMode: 'background'
            authenticationRequired: false
            destructive: false
            behavior: 'default'

The easiest would be a Nabu Casa subscription (which also funds HA development), otherwise I’d suggest a reverse Proxy together with DuckDNS or your preferred DynDNS Provider.

I already subscribe to nabu casa for Alexa stuff, but I would prefer an option for the notification callbacks to he handled using the mobile app webhook that is used for location sending back for example.

Why make it more complicated than it needs to be? Especially if you are anyway already using Nabu Casa.

Well why does location sending use a webhook? same reason. I am not saying its more complicated, just the underlying transport can possibly use webhooks that are auto managed by the mobile app instead of opening “remote” access, which is still remote access into your box in your network no matter how you slice it.

Nabu Casa also uses webhooks, you don’t open your network by using Nabu Casa. I’m sorry, I don’t get your issue.