Actionable Notifications via Alexa Media Player

Just found the Error if someone has the same issue :slight_smile:

You need to define the input_text before activating the skill.

All seems to work (I get the question and I reply and get OK response) but I don’t get event back from the skill. Any idea why events are not triggering?

Is this skill supported any longer?
The OP, Keaton Taylor, hasn’t posted anything since May 17, and his github page has 22 open issues since last May.

Lets hope that he will continue to support it

Has anyone had any success getting Alexa actionable notifications to work with groups of echo devices?

I now have 13 Echo Flex devices dotted around the house and would like to have the actionable notification play on them all for certain events but so far can only get it to work on individual devices.

Has anyone got this working with a Facebook Portal / Portal Mini?

I’ve just gotten a basic notification working across Somers echos and a Show 5 in both US and Australian English.

@keatontaylor has mentioned in a GitHub issue that some devices just work differently. I assume there is an internal language conflict.

I’ve tried setting the portal device Language between US and AU. Alexa is set to US English, with very limited language options available which don’t include AU

I did find the lambda logs as mentioned in the issue but at the same time it not sure I did :stuck_out_tongue:



Does anyone know if there was ever a more efficient way to run actionable notifications on multiple devices?

Sounds like the issue I had. This worked for me and hope it helps.

Do not delete what is is already there ( which I did : Failed !! )
Drag and drop locale_en_us.json and save.

My for Nabu Casa

Good luck, hope you get it working. :+1:

This works perfectly thank you, I used to have music start playing if I get home and no one else is home but it got a little annoying if you didn’t always want it or are on the phone etc…

But now Alexa: “Welcome home. Would you like me to put on some music?”
Sooo much better.

Trying to setup the account linking and running into an issue with the Web Authorization URI and Access Token URI. I am using my nabu casa address and it is giving me two errors:

  • property path “$.accountLinkingRequest.accessTokenURL” does not match the regular expression: “^https://.*$”.,String instance with value "

  • property path “$.accountLinkingRequest.authorizationUrl” does not match the regular expression: “^https.*$”.

Is it not possible to use the nabu casa address?


This is all i get when trying to test actionable notifications in the developer console what am i doing wrong everything is linked correctly

Would it be possible to replicate it to work with Google home?

I had the same problem when I deleted some of the tokens. I solved this by re-linking to the skill in the Alexa skill development environment.

Would it be possible to know the Alexa voice profile that answered the question, in order to differentiate the automations?
For example, Alexa asks “Do you want to turn on the heat?”
If dad says Yes, then turn on the heat.
If the child answers Yes, do nothing as he does not have permission to decide.

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Technically this is possible but the accuracy in my own testing has always been hit or miss so I ended up disabling it. There is some documentation in the wiki related to this.

The issue wasn’t that it would recognize the wrong person but often it wouldn’t recognize anyone.

Alexa gave me the same response but the skill and the scripts all still function. I essentially just ignored that and haven’t had any issues. Have you tried setting one up to see if it works?

I just found out (after 2 day of testing and recreating the skill…) that when Kids mode is enabled on your echo device… the skill doesn’t work.
Maybe add this to the FAQ

I bungled my actionable notifications just over a week ago. I spent a lot of time off and on diagnosing the issue which was: a couple of echo’s worked but the remaining 5 did not. Yesterday I finally figured out the problem: I had renamed devices in Alexa but neglected to update the static entity list in group.echos. Today I lashed together a value_template (based on code gleaned from other sources) that searches the domain media_players for the attribute last_called and if true returns the entity_id so I now no longer have to worry about maintaining group.echos!

  - platform: template
        value_template: >
            {%- for group in states.media_player | groupby('state') -%}
              {%- for entity in group.list -%}
                {%- if is_state_attr(entity.entity_id, 'last_called', true) %}
                  {{ entity.entity_id }}
                {%- endif -%}
              {%- endfor -%}
            {%- endfor -%}

I have this set up and working perfectly, but had a question. I have a sensor set up using value_template to determine my last called Alexa Device. I can use it for Alexa Media Player with no issues, but can’t quite figure out how to use it for this. Is that possible?

right, so i thought i would start by saying, i’m a complete noob.

I followed the instructions, but had no joy whats so ever. i set up using a uk skill. I searched through this thread, but everything i tried did not work for me.
so i wanted to share my 9 hours of frustration to save the pain to others.
my first mistake was account linking - client id (
i couldn’t log in to home assistant. so changing this to EU client, got me moving forward a step.
i hit another brick wall from here.
i couldn’t get Alexa to repeat the phrase to say its working…
about 6 hours of trying everything, i found my biggest amateur mistake- the code i copied, started on line 2, not line 1…
changed this, but after using the test function on alexa, still wouldn’t work.
this time i thought i would redo the skill from scratch, but didn’t realize i selected US, rather than UK in initial skill set up… anyway it worked!
…well withing the development test function anyway… i tried it with the skill enabled and my real life uk alexa wouldn’t allow it as it was a US skill.
so i redone it all again(keeping the US skill) and made a UK version… it now works!!
so make it following the steps starying with a us version and then create one for your country and just enable that in the real world.
im a little merry, while writing this, but its a big milestone in my day. if you need me to elaborate anywhere, i’ll try my best too help.

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