Actionable Notifications via Alexa Media Player

yeah, I already use the group method to send tts to the echo devices.

What I was wondering is if the same could work for the actionable notification script?

So, will this work and then all echo devices listen for the response?

      - service: script.activate_alexa_actionable_notification
          alexa_device: group.all_echos
          event_id: actionable_notification_something
          text: some question?

I’ve never tried it. Theoretically it should work.

Without specifically testing I would say it should… I have a ton of echos on my first floor so my responses to other regular Alexa stuff are often on a different echo than where the question came from… if I get a chance I’ll try it

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Yeah, i could try it too as well.

Just wondering if anyone knew for sure.

Thanks tho. :slightly_smiling_face:

If it works or not I’ll post back here with the results.

Hi, I feel like I’ve tried everything…
I have enabled the skill in the Alexa app, but i cant open the app with the phrase: “Alexa, open custom actions”.
I’ve also tried “launch” and “run”.
The skills invocation name is indeed “custom actions”, but won’t get reconised.
Anyone have any ideas what can cause this?

Were you able to get this to work? It wont for me.

Not yet. But I haven’t had much time to mess with it.

on my first go around using an echo group with all my devices it played random phrases that it had already played previously.

But I was also using some intesive TTS announcements from some other automations at the time so it may have been interference between them.

I didn’t want to post back here until I knew for sure tho.

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Has anyone else had a problem with the multiple user accounts feature of Alexa? I haven’t intentionally set any up, but as I have two childrends profiles attached to my amazon family, I wonder if when they use Alexa it’s switching to them?

I think this is a problem because I couldnt get the actionable notifications to make alexa speak. Spent ages troubleshooting until I realised Spotify wasnt working. Told Alexa to switch to my account and suddenly the actionable notifications started coming through as normal. I’m guessing this is because the skill you make for this is tied to me individually?

Anyway, is there any way of disabling this or getting around it?

what i mean is: having several alexa devices on three floors, is it possible, for example, to send the notification to two different devices, placed on different floors?

Right. That’s what I was trying to determine was possible. But I haven’t had a chance to fully test it yet.

But if my first attempts are any indication then I’m not sure it’s possible.

so which one did you selected. I tried both too “start from scractch” give me an (There was a problem with the requested skill’s response). intro to alexa conversation keep asking me what my favorite color.

nvm got it working forgot to setup the input_text entry… DOH>…

Is this thing still supported? No more update for 17 month on GitHub what I saw. Love the idea and want to use it, but not if it is not getting any more updates/fixes/features.

Seems dead to me

somebody knows?
I get this answer from alexa: there was a problem with the rquested skills response

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What would be the best way to send a notification to Alexa devices locally? Specifically my firetv devices. I currently use pushover and a 3rd party app to receive them, but I’d like to simplify.

I use the notifications to trigger tasker

Hi razorface1978.

What did you do to get it to work? I’m having the same issue. Trigger fires the first automation, I respond “Yes” and get an “OK” from Alexa. My 2nd automation doesn’t start and I get no lights off.

Thank you in advance.

From what I can tell it doesn’t appear to like my nginx proxy, so could that be your issue?

I got it to work using the Nabu Casa url instead of my local one.

But after the initial test, and a test script I made it appears to be no longer submitting the text to the service, so I just get dead air.

Skill triggers, and starts listening, but I never hear the prompt.

yep, could be nginx issue, :disappointed:

I’m having a problem with only one Echo device when trying to run an actionable notification. But it’s only intermittently. Sometimes it works, sometimes not.

here are the automations:

  - alias: LC Garage Light Ask to Turn Off Delayed
    id: lc_garage_light_ask_to_turn_off_delayed
      - platform: template
        value_template: "{{ as_timestamp(now()) >= state_attr('input_datetime.lc_garage_light_delayed_off_time', 'timestamp') }}"
      - platform: homeassistant
        event: start
      - platform: event
        event_type: automation_reloaded
      - condition: template
        value_template: "{{ as_timestamp(now()) >= state_attr('input_datetime.lc_garage_light_delayed_off_time', 'timestamp') }}"
      - condition: state
        entity_id: sensor.n_gd_pos_template
        state: 'Closed'
      - condition: state
        entity_id: switch.garage_lights_switch
        state: 'on'
      - service: media_player.volume_set
          entity_id: media_player.garage_dot
          volume_level: 0.9
      - service: script.activate_alexa_actionable_notification
          alexa_device: media_player.garage_dot
          event_id: actionable_notification_turn_off_garage_lights
          text: I haven't seen you for a while. Would you like me to turn off the lights?

  - alias: LC Garage Light Control From Response
    id: lc_garage_light_control_from_response
      - platform: event
        event_type: alexa_actionable_notification
          event_id: actionable_notification_turn_off_garage_lights
          event_response_type: ResponseYes
      - platform: event
        event_type: alexa_actionable_notification
          event_id: actionable_notification_turn_off_garage_lights
          event_response_type: ResponseNone
      - platform: event
        event_type: alexa_actionable_notification
          event_id: actionable_notification_turn_off_garage_lights
          event_response_type: ResponseNo
        - conditions:
            - '{{ == "ResponseYes" or == "ResponseNone" }}'
            - service: homeassistant.turn_off
                - automation.lc_garage_lights_turn_on_auto
                - automation.lc_garage_lights_update_off_time
            - delay: '00:00:02'
            - service: switch.turn_off
              entity_id: switch.garage_lights_switch
            - delay: '00:00:02'
            - service: homeassistant.turn_on
                - automation.lc_garage_lights_turn_on_auto
                - automation.lc_garage_lights_update_off_time
            - delay: '00:0030'
            - condition: state
              entity_id: switch.garage_lights_switch
              state: 'on'
            - service: homeassistant.turn_off
                - automation.lc_garage_lights_turn_on_auto
                - automation.lc_garage_lights_update_off_time
            - delay: '00:00:02'
            - service: switch.turn_off
              entity_id: switch.garage_lights_switch
            - delay: '00:00:02'
            - service: homeassistant.turn_on
                - automation.lc_garage_lights_turn_on_auto
                - automation.lc_garage_lights_update_off_time
        - conditions:
            - '{{ == "ResponseNo" }}'
            - service: input_boolean.turn_on
              entity_id: input_boolean.lc_garage_light_reset_off_timer
            - delay:
                seconds: 1
            - service: input_boolean.turn_off
              entity_id: input_boolean.lc_garage_light_reset_off_timer

the first automation above works every time.

The second one (that is supposed to be triggered by the first) doesn’t always trigger tho it does part of the time.

I have at least one other set of actionable notification automations that works perfectly every time so I’m pretty sure the syntax of the automations are correct.

Is there a way to debug only one actionable notification? If so how?