Actions - Scenes reset after Home Assistant Core, Supervisor or Host

Every time i update the Home Assistant Core, Supervisor or Host to a new version, all of my scenes inside Actions are reset.

For example, all scenes I had disabled are re-enabled, they also are again set to appear with black font color over white background, which is super annoying on the Apple Watch.

I would really like to customize my actions again with color to quickly find them on my Apple Watch. But there is no point if it is always only a matter of days when all the work is again lost.

Does anyone else have these issues? I am always on the newest version of the iOS App and also on Core, Supervisor or Host.


I have the same issue, scene action customizations and disabled state get all reset after updating HA.

Same problem here. The companion app says you can at least set the text, background, & icon color by setting the scene attributes: text_color, background_color, and icon_color but when i try to set those on the top level of the scene in my scenes.yaml file, they don’t take. Example code:

- id: "8675309"
  name: status_normal
  text_color: green
  icon_color: green
  background_color: black

Yer this has been annoying me for a while, every time HA gets an update!

So the way it seems to work, using this page as a guide - Actions | Home Assistant Companion Docs
There are 2 parts to making this permanent.
First is to create the Action “Button” in configuration.yaml
Second is to link the Action to the Scene Automation! It seems that you can only link the action to Automations but not Scenes. If this is truly the case, then even if you disable other “Scenes” in the HA app, they will reappear after each update. Unless there is a way to insert the “trigger” into the “scene” scenes.ymal (which you probably can, but gives me an error!)

First: (configuration.yaml)

    - name: Bed Time
      background_color: "#000000"
        text: "Sleep"
        color: "#ff0000"
        icon: earth
        color: "#ffffff"

Second: (automations.yaml)

  - alias: "Action Turn Lights Off"
    initial_state: true
      - platform: event
        event_type: ios.action_fired
          actionName: "Bed Time"
      - service: light.turn_off
        entity_id: group.all_lights

Same here. It is so annoying. Will it be solved?

As of today, I still have the same issue as you.
I hope it will eventually be fixed !

In the meantime, thanks for your tip for making it permanent !