So I got the situation, where I want my daily alarm to trigger the light to go on and shuffle play my spotify playlist. In Apple shortcut, that is no problem; if wake up alarm goes off, trigger scene “1-All light on” and “2-Shuffle spotify playlist”.
- id: '1703924844204'
name: Spotify SHUFFLE
- media_player.bedroom
volume_level: 0.15
is_volume_muted: false
media_content_id: spotify:playlist:37i9dQZF1DXa1BeMIGX5Du # Last part is the link of the playlist
media_content_type: playlist
shuffle: true
repeat: 'off'
queue_position: 1
queue_size: 80
device_class: speaker
friendly_name: Speaker Bedroom
supported_features: 4127295
media_duration: 0 # Since it's a playlist, the duration might not be accurate
media_position: 0
media_position_updated_at: '2023-12-28T12:54:55.252524+00:00'
entity_picture: /api/media_player_proxy/media_player.bedroom?token=f8671de262b9ebcfd236cfadf77edd4cfda8f27822b89b0143c23334f1064647&cache=3988fe53e76da9f1
state: playing
icon: mdi:music-circle
metadata: {}