Active light color from deCONZ in HASS


After the lastest beta update of deCONZ (2.04.93) the icon for the light entities from it shows as blue when active, instead of the themes “paper-item-icon-active-color” color as for all of the others. Downgrading deCONZ solves the problem for now, but have anyone else encountered this and knows why it happens?

A lot of functionallity it constatly being added to deCONZ, so I would prefer to stay on the latest version. It might sound trivial, but oh so annoying. :slight_smile:

Best regards!

A Deconz component is on the way, it will integrate more intimately with HASS, don’t think that the component has that behaviour

Yeah I saw your thread about the component. Sounds really promising! Any ETA on when it could be added to HASS?

Hopefully next release in two weeks

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That is great news! I will wait for it and not bother with this issue togheter with HUE component. Thanks for your replies!

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The color of the light does not reflect in the icon using hass and deconz. Deconz api sends back other values for xy color than what it reports in the api/lights rest api over it’s websocket.

Can you enable debug and add some logs?

I’ve got a PR up that will improve deconz light state reflecting back into hass. Groups might still be a bit iffy, but apart from that it should be good.

Thanks @teachingbirds!

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