Acurite 5n1 rain sensor

I’m new to PWS; I’m setting up a Acurite 5n1 Iris, utilizing a rtl_433/MQTT. The unit is mounted at about 12 ft, on a PVC mast. The rain sensor is cumulative, with the initial reading being 0.170 in (it’s totally dry, no rain as yet).

To start out with zero, I set up a new sensor

 - platform: template
        friendly_name: "Total Rainfall"
        unit_of_measurement: 'in'
        value_template: >
          {% set rain = states('sensor.acurite_5n1_a_2482_rain_total') | float %}
          {{ '%.2f' | format(max(rain - 0.170, 0)) }}

This displays as 0.0 for total rainfall. So as rain accumulates it should give me a cumulative total (less the 0.170), right?

If I’m good so far, what’s the best strategy for calculating daily rainfall?

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Did you ever get an answer to this? I have the same problem as you where I never get a 0 (zero) reading out of the Rainfall senor (also a AcuRite 5in1 - same model).

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I’m also interested in Acurite 5 in 1 integration. I don’t see anything in HACS…
Has there been any progress on this?

Hubitat has a community integration for Acurite 5n1, in case any of you have a Hubitat hub.

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It turned out that creating a utility meter that resets itself at midnight was the way to go. I ended up creating meters for daily/weekly/monthly/yearly. Right now though. I have no weather in HA. I moved my radio to a different system and am playing hobb getting it working with HA again. But that’s another topic.

Interesting, I will definitely look into incorporate a Hubitat hub to support my Acurite 5 in 1 weather station.
Whats the best personal weather station with rain tracking that integrates with HASS?