Adafruit MagTag epaper

Hey - New to ESPHome and finding it awesome, except hitting a blocker with the epaper on the Adafruit MagTag. the configuration appears valid but the screen flashes and remains blank.
Logs report: [23:15:12][E][waveshare_epaper:119]: Timeout while displaying image!

Config as follows;

- platform: waveshare_epaper
    cs_pin: GPIO8
    dc_pin: GPIO7
    busy_pin: GPIO5
    reset_pin: GPIO6
    model: 2.90in
    update_interval: 30s
    full_update_every: 1
    lambda: |-
      it.line(0, 0, 50, 50);

Any suggestions?

there is now a dedicated model under the waveshare platform for the eink display used on the magtag: gdey029t94 - GooDisplay GDEY029T94

the code below works for me using esphome 2023.12.5 - the model is listed in the esphome documentation on the -next branch

  - platform: waveshare_epaper
    cs_pin: GPIO8
    dc_pin: GPIO7
    busy_pin: GPIO5
    reset_pin: GPIO6
    model: gdey029t94

(sorry for the necro, but I don’t see this posted yet, and it took me a while to find since the docs aren’t updated yet)