I have looked around a bit, but I seem to be stuck on this : the light in my bedroom
is an RGB zigbee bulb that is controlled by a zigbee Dimmer by means of Zigbee binding. The dimmer itself is not connected to any lights other than by this binding.
When I setup Adaptive lighting on the bulb, it doesn’t work unless I turn the bulb on via the HA app. From what I understand this is normal since Adaptative Lighting “hijacks” the light.turn_on command, and by using the binding, no such command is sent.
I would still like to keep this binding active so I dont solely depend on HA to control my bedroom light, but even if I creatle an automation on the dimmer turning on to call lights.turn_on in HA, it doesn’t work. I also tried to use the ZHA event of pressing up on the paddle to trigger, but no luck either.
Do you guys have any idea on how to use Adaptive Lighting while retaining my binding here?