Adaptive Lighting and Tradfri Lights - Several Issues making it unusable

I've been running a fairly full house of tradfri zigbee bulbs using a Sonoff USB stick as my coordinator running Zigbee2MQTT and I have had almost no issues. Running the LED1924G9 RGB tradfri lights in the bedrooms and the LED2003G10 white/colour temp bulbs in the main living areas (Kitchen, Dining, Laundy, Toilet and Bathroom.

I have started to play with adaptive lighting and when it works it is amazing the Wife and I love it. However it has created some issues that I can't manage to resolve and its starting to cause some serious irritation for us.
1. Lights are turning back on immediately after turning off, or one bulb in the fixture not turning off at all. Some times it takes 3 or 4 attempts to turn off. Disappears when adaptive lighting is turned off. Any ideas solutions to resoving this ?

2. Lights not responding correctly to on/off commands. Disappears when adaptive lighting is turned off. I am unsure if it is a problem with my zigbee working being loaded to much

3. The LED1924G9 RGB lights are behaving odd and when the recieve a colour transition command (from adaptive lighting or just light turn on) the brightness dipps and slowly increases throughout the transition.
Under the default settings in the bedroom this causes the lights to dip way under their minimum brigtness set in adpative lighitng and slowly increaseing over 45 seconds back to the correct light level, waiting 45 seconds and then repeating. I have tried the seperate_turn_on_commands, I have tried setting the delay between commands at 46 seconds to allow the light to finish the first transition before the next. Any tips to try and resolve the annoying colour chanage behavior?

The LED1924G9 white/colour temp bulbs do not exhibit this behavior and work quite well.

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I’m also having exactly the same issue. Tradfri tunable white bulbs seem stable although sometimes don’t respond to brightness commands in home assistant despite deselecting the brightness control as I only want the colour temp to be controlled by the intergration throughout the day. And the tradfri colour bulbs exhibit the same pulsing behaviour. Have you had any luck fixing this? I’ve un’installed and reinstalled the intergration and have tried combined and separate instances of adaptive lighting for colour and white only bulbs with no improvement

Unfortunately I have yet to find a solution to this issue. I have just moved house and need to reconfigure my home assistant setup and zigbee network. I am hoping that some issues are resolved by what I am hoping to be a stronger zigbee network at the new house.
The other option I am considering is flashing the latest firmware to my sonoff stick and seeing if that improves the situation. Are you using the sonoff stick for your network?

I see similar issues, using another Zigbee stick (don’t even remember which one) and a mix of Ikea and Lidl lights. The Lidl lights show the same issues. I have been playing with the reporting settings in Zigbee2MQTT without any consistent solution. But if you really wanna have a puzzle, start introducing Zigbee groups with Adaptive Lighting. That introduces a whole new rabbit hole…

I know it’s been a few months since the most recent comment on this post, but has anyone had any more thoughts on this? I’m trying to use adaptive lighting to set the RGB light colours to red at night so that it is not bright when settling out baby, but the pulsating behaviour is driving my wife and I mad.

Same for me - it doesn’t affect the temperature control bulbs, just the RGB control bulbs. I thought I had this fixed at the start of the night but it has started pulsing again.

Edit: I forgot to add that I have paired my tradfri bulbs to the Dirigera hub, and via the matter integration, exposed the bulbs to Home Assistant that way. When I changed the adaptive lighting config, it was stable for a few hours before it started acting up again.

Came here to find a solution to a similar problem with Adaptive Lighting + Tradfri lights (white/colour temp) which I just added to my otherwise full Hue installation (RGB).

It turns out that it works if I create two instances of Adaptive Lighting and keep one type of light per instance only; if I mix them up, the Tradfri behave incorrectly.

Not perfect, but at least it works.

Edit: still not working properly…