šŸ’” Adaptive Lighting automatically adapts the brightness and color of your lights based on the sun's temperature but stops when you manually make a change

Love the integration. In the config screen, it says under lights: may be empty

What would that achieve?

Opinions: what is better (how do people set up their config)? Adding each light seperately to a room under adaptive Lighting, or a single zigbee group consisting of all of these lights?

Assuming the lights will never need to be on independently of one another.

Groups according to the documentation.

For most Zigbee networks, using groups is essential for optimal performance. For example, if you want to use Adaptive Lighting in a hallway with six bulbs, adding each bulb individually to the Adaptive Lighting configuration could overwhelm the network with commands. Instead, create a group in your Zigbee software (not a regular Home Assistant group) and add that single group to the Adaptive Lighting configuration. This sends a single broadcast command to adjust all bulbs, improving response times and keeping the bulbs in sync.

As a rule of thumb, if you always control lights together (e.g., bulbs in a ceiling fixture), they should be in a Zigbee group. Expose only the group (not individual bulbs) in Home Assistant Dashboards and external systems like Google Home or Apple HomeKit.

:warning: If you control lights individually, manual_control cannot behave correctly! If you need to control lights individually as well, use a Home Assistant Light Group.

Sure, and thanks for being helpful.

But thatā€™s not actually what I was wondering about. If you search this thread the only mention of zigbee groups is behavioural quirks. Likewise a handful of posts elsewhere in the forum with behaviour conflicts between this addon and various mesh groups.

I was asking about peopleā€™s opinions and what they actually do in their config! Complaints often have a survivorship bias and Iā€™m curious if people just put up with the idiosyncracies or run some sort of repeating script to make sure the lights actually turn off etc.

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I am having an issue with five phillips wiz 23009 lights. When the lights turn on, they are initially a very red color, before transitioning to the appropriate warm color.

Anyone run into the same issue / have a possible solution?

Then you can still use the automatically generated sensors and the adaptive_lighting.apply service to any light.

Replying to myself yet again. Just in case someone else has difficulty with Nanoleaf Essentials Matter Bulbs - though I canā€™t say if itā€™s matter bulbs more generally or just these ones. The problem was the state of the bulb not reflecting what HA thinks it should be. This was only when using Adaptive Lighting. More detail in my earlier posts.

Have just fixed it, after a lot of trial and error, by turning off the ā€œIntercept and adapt light.turn_on callsā€¦ā€ in the configuration. Someone smarter than me will understand why this only impacted with every second cycle of off/on.

I have an Zigbee2MQTT group with 4 lights in it. I configured AL on this group. But Iā€™m unable to achieve what I had in mind. There are situations that only 1 of the lights in the group are on, but I still would like AL to adapt that. What is the best config for this?
I tried adding the seperate lights, or even the group and the lights, but somehow AL causes that even if I turn on only one light, the other lights in the group are also turning on.

Apply AL to just the separate lights and not the group. It should still detect if one light is turned on and only turn on that one light.

When I only apply AL to the seperate lights, it switches to manual control when turning on the group.

After some fidling around, it suddenly worksā€¦ I wonder if there was a setting not correctly saved or displayed maybe. Can I compare two AL ā€œobjectsā€ somehow?

@euinor did you ever find a definitive answer, if the light.toggle will also trigger AL?

I am trying to set a light, i use all the defaults values. When the lights in on and is being adapting if i dim the light manually or change the colour after a while its going back to adoption. I tried to disable take_over_control, same thing.

If i change the autoreset_control from 0 to 180 ( for testing ) it doesnt work at all.

Does anyone have this issue?

Did you ever figure this out? Iā€™m not using default brightness, so my switches come on at whatever the last brightness was (my preference), butā€¦

I cannot get Adaptive Lighting to play nicely with the Inovelli Blue switches. Doesnā€™t matter if I am targeting the switch directly (in the case if dumb bulbs) or if I target the ZHA group of lights bound to the switch (Z2M seems to behave similarly). I canā€™t figure out where my config isnā€™t right and Iā€™ve been scratching my head for weeks.

My ideal behavior:

  1. Light turned on at switch (or anywhere), AL immediately takes over (this is whatā€™s not working)
  2. Light turned off at switch
  3. Dim up/down disables AL.

I tried playing with ALā€™s delay, an automation that sets sets manual control to false when lights turn on, various device binding configurationsā€¦but it just wonā€™t work consistently (or sometimes at all) :thinking:

The only way I can get AL to work reliably is to take the switches out of the equation entirely (turn on the ZHA group directly in HA), but that creates other challenges as Iā€™d really like the LED bar to always reflect current brightness levels.

I opened a topic, but I could as well ask my question here.
Is it normal behavior that when you have turned on lights, and later dim or increase the brightness, that it will change back after the ā€œinterval timeā€?

We sometimes play a board game, or we need to work in the evening, and then I just want to manual control a specific light, without ā€œAdaptive lightingā€ changing it back.

Is there a simple setting to manage that, because i couldnā€™t find it

I have the same problem. I tried all the combinations nothing works, auto reset time doesnt work. AL will take control when I change the brightness or the colour no matter what.

Yeah I dont know what exact function or option you need.

I know there are input booleans that you can switch on and off, but I hope they should switch automaticaly when you manually change a light. Brightness.

First thanks @basnijholt for this integration. I have a question since I am only using light.toggle to control around 50 hue lights : is light.toggle intercepted as well ?

These are the settings you are after:

Hey, Iā€™ve recently bought my first smart LED strip (TuYa TS0505B_1 control via MQTT | Zigbee2MQTT) and hooked it up with this integration. I had to enable the RGB stuff for this but it works fine, though the LED strip itself was cheap and is not really goodā€¦ :confused:

Sometimes though, the Adaptive Lighting turns it off but it still glows a bit, maybe at like 1% brightness. HA and Zigbee2MQTT report it as off and it doesnā€™t always happen.

Iā€™ve tried playing around with the settings but no luck so far. Does anyone have an idea? Itā€™s probably the shitty light strip but maybe someone has a hack to fix this

It sounds like LED ghosting. I had a similar issue with my Dining room fixture when we installed a Lutron switch. Thereā€™s just a little too much current in the line and an electrician installed I think a regulator. Maybe thereā€™s an easier solution for an outlet.

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