I have 2 Lidl lights and 4 Hue Lights and use them with adaptive lighting. I turn on adaptive lighting and they work great, all 6 have the same kind of orange in the evening. After a few minutes, however, the lidl lights get warmer (more red-ish, not orange). I don’t want that obviously. Now it obviously works fine, but only for a short time.
And both Lidl and Hue have a max warmth of 2000, so that cant be the problem.
I see. Its also strange that the color in of the bulb entities in the dashboard and the big color range circle doesnt seem to change when the color of the lights gets warmer, I mean: I can see that even if the settings don’t say so…
If I turn off rgb it seems to work…but well I dont have rgb lamps only for white lights…