ADAX NEO WIFI Modern Electric Wall Heater, Home Automation Heating

Some typos in the ZONE_ID and HEAT_ID guide, or should bpth be {account_id}?

Also: calls does not seem to contain these?

  • appVersion
  • device
  • os
  • timeOffset
  • timeZone

Any update how to get the heater data from the Cloud?

Adax AS just released an app to Homey Can we expect an integration with HA aswell?

Adax just released API? my adax app suddenly has a third party connection option called “remote user client api”. Closer to integration?

Well spotted…

I have made an integration:

Not tested much, so all feedback is welcome


feedback: kjører standard pü RPi3, fikk følgende feil:

Platform error climate.adax - No module named ‘sanction’ Invalid config for [sensor]: required key not provided @ data[‘platform’]. Got None. (See ?, line ?).

Question: Client_ID I guess is the 5 digit account ID? and client_secret is the Remote user client API credential password?

pip install sanction

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Yes, I have updated the config:

  - platform: adax
    account_id: "112395"  # replace with your account ID (see Adax WiFi app, Account Section)
    password: "6imtpX63D5WoRyKh"  # replace with your remote user password (see Adax WiFi app, Account Section)
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worked! After reboot of host system it came up :slight_smile:

Cannot set temperature or turn off.

Do you use the latest version, I had to make some fixes.
I do not think turning on/off is possible from the API.

In API specification (, you can look at this with swagger editor for example) the ControlRequest payload has “targetTemperature” but also “heatingEnabled”. That field is just not used in example they published, I guess.

def set_room_heating_enabled(roomId, ena, token):

   # Sets heating on/off
   headers = { "Authorization": "Bearer " + token }
   json = { 'rooms': [{ 'id': roomId, 'heatingEnabled': str(ena) }] } + '/rest/v1/control/', json = json, headers = headers)

I was able to turn heater off with that. To turn back on, it seems that one needs to pass the targetTemperature again, just requesting heatingEnabled: true won’t work.

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Sorry, was outdated. It works setting the temp now!!

BTW: is the new power consumption available throught the API?

I don’t see power consumption in json api spec. Would be nice to have it, maybe they have left it out in the first version.

could also be it is just a function of the app, where they calculate based on Watt specified and time used for heating

Nice, I will add it to component

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Edit: use danielhiversen’s integration, you’ll find it in HACS.

I’ve built a HACS compatible integration here:

(link to archived repository deleted because people keep following it)

This allows you not only to set the target temperature, but also turn the heater on and off. To do list includes config flow and async mode.

Since you have copied my code, it would be nice if you also credit me and remove your copyright.

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