ADC resolution for Mottramlabs CT clamp 201083 with ESP32

I am wanting to use a Mottramlabs current sensing board (201083 designed for an ESP8266) with an ESP32 (as I also need a second ADC for an oil tank depth sensor) boards. I have connected 3.3v and ground and then another lead to a GPIO ADC port on the ESP32 and seem to be getting a “raw current” reading that does alter with AC current through the CT-clamped live cable. I am measuring 0-2000W output from a solar inverter. However I’m getting much higher currents (like between 0.4 and 0.9 amp) from 0-2000 W than I am with an existing (and accurate) “Mottramlabs ESP power sensor version 2” (220404) connected to an ESP8266 on the same CT clamp. Also it reads zero at zero but then jumps straight up to 0.4A and gradually increases towards 0.9A raw current at 2000W.

I have communicated with Dave Mottram on via eBay and I’d like to stress he’s been very helpful but I feel to quiz him more would be slightly abusing his time so felt I would bring my question here.

Dave suggested it may be down to the ADC being 12-bit rather than the ESP8266’s 10-bit and that I may be able to configure it down to 10-bit but I cannot find a way to do this with ESPhome.

He also suggested that I looked at the test firmware for the ESP32 boards he does (all 4-way) however I really don’t understand what these files (e.g. .cpp) are and feel that is totally above my skills.

Can anyone give me any pointers to solving either of these options - in fairly simple language! Many thanks.

Can anyone give me any feedback eg for altering ADC resolution?

@DeanoX - don’t suppose you can help me at all?