Un PI 0 W transforme le module tic usb en module tic wifi.
On ajoute un montage NFS entre le serveur HA et le module tic. Les outils utilisés restants les mêmes.
A noter que d’après la spécification du linky, le câble de lecture de la TIC peut aller jusqu’à 500 mètres, donc on peut tirer des câbles pour déporter la lecture.
awesome, i’m using daily. The only issue is when the API ( gazpart ) do not return the “yesterday’s conso” the information is totaly lost and not recoverable.
Like me :
05-07 : OK
08: yesterday's conso not found
Are you able to do the same script for the linky ?
there does not seem an easy way to put a sensor state for a timestamp in the past into the H.A. database. if this happens too often, you could choose to make a sensor with j-2 data (instead of j-1), with a slight modification in gazpar_ha.py. for my data, this only happened once in the past weeks.