I’d like to add a panel with time and date, something like this:
That shows all the time
But all I’ve been able to get is this:
Anyone know how to do this?
Thank you
I’d like to add a panel with time and date, something like this:
That shows all the time
But all I’ve been able to get is this:
Anyone know how to do this?
Thank you
Here you go: https://www.home-assistant.io/components/time_date/
That’s what I already have:
# Sensors
- platform: time_date
- 'time_date'
An what I get is:
One option is to add all the entities to a group, and add the group to the default view.
Or this Just a big clock
I like this look:
what option do I have to add?
I tried:
- platform: time_date
- date
- time
but got these:
not a panel
If you are using Lovelace add an entities card and add the time and date entities to it.
If you are using the states based front end you need to set up a group:
then add the group to a view.
Checkout GROUPS, have a read let me know if you need help.
Sorry for the misinterpretation
Added this entry to groups.yaml
name: Time and Date
view: true
- sensor.time
- sensor.date
and got this:
no panel
I’d tried to use groups and I always have to say that it’s a sensor or an automation, …
what am I missing?
Not ready for lovelace just yet
That’s because you have it as a separate view, try it like this with two groups if you want it in it’s own view:
name: Time and Date
view: yes
control: hidden
- group.time_date_sensors
name: Time Date
view: no
control: hidden
- sensor.date
- sensor.time
Thanks, it worked perfectly. I really don’t understand groups.
taking the second code which is the one that appears on home page, It says it’s hidden an has no view. How come it appears as a panel?
Although admittedly this is a more advanced option, I use the Compact Custom Header lovelace component. The right side of my header looks like this:
Here is my config
- type: custom:compact-custom-header
main_config: true
clock_date: true
menu: overflow
notifications: clock
options: show
Unless I misunderstand your question, if you add the first group in my example to the default view, it will show up as intended.
You can also use icons instead of displaying the group names, when you hover over the icon it shows the group name, see below.
The second was what I intended, didn’t want a tab with the time, but I was completely lost and tried many solutions I had found in other pages with no success.
I just commented the first group and left:
name: Time Date
view: no
control: hidden
- sensor.date
- sensor.time
And it’s on the home page:
And used your approach to add the sensors in the left
But still don’t get why hiding the control and denying the view, the circles disappear and appears a panel instead
I tried the icons, and seached for them in this page:
But at least hourglass-empty didn’t work. Do I have to install them?
neither npm install @mdi/font
or bower
are commands on the alpine linux where hassio is running
Thank you
I will try it when I’m ready for lovelace
That’s the way the old States based front-end was programmed. Sensors appear as badges unless you add them to a group. Then they only appear in the group.
You should really be moving to Lovelace. You have a lot more control over what you can display (badges and card views of the same sensors for example).
Thank you for the explanation and the advice.
Where do I put the config file to get the clock /time in the main header?
Anyway to have this display 12 hour not 24
Hello all,
am quite new in HASS, so please forgive me, if this question is stupid…
I would like to have simple date and clock in my HASS. In the file editor I typed this code in
but nothing happens. I have neither a card nor a small circle in the top with time inside.
Probably some step is missing.
Please help.
A couple of things:
please don’t post screenshots of code. people are less likely to help if they have to type all of their suggestions out instead of just copy/edit/paste your original code.
you also don’t mention if you’ve started configuring your frontend yourself (taken control…).
if you have then you need to add the sensor to a card since it won’t be there automatically. And if you haven’t I’m not sure if will be there or not.
Have you restarted HA after you added that code? Do you get errors in the config checker or logs?
does the sensor show up in your developers tolls-> states page?