On mine it GIF of the radar
No point in displaying a static image.
OP still functional.
It’s an animated gif that seems to update fairly regularly.
I didn’t notice any change in the image while loaded in HASS.
The setup from the original post still work.
Is anyone able to get this Dark Sky / forcast.io Widget into Home Assistant? I’m trying via camera component, but am only getting “Image not available”:
Info (Dark Sky blog post):
Since it is a webpage and not an image, you will have to use panel_iframe
title: 'DarkSky'
url: 'http://forecast.io/embed/#lat=51.801822&lon=9.667969&name=Somewhere&color=#00aaff&units=ca'
As @arsaboo suggested I use something like this in panel_iframe
title: 'Windy'
icon: mdi:weather-windy
url: !secret windy_url
title: 'Darksky'
icon: mdi:weather-lightning-rainy
url: !secret darksky_url
Found a fix for Wunderground radar.
Go here: https://www.wunderground.com/weather-radar/
At the bottom right of the radar is an “Image Link”
Click the link to get the URL to the gif to be used in the still_image_url: field.
How can i force an update of the image every 5 minutes?
i tried using scan_interval, but it doesnt result in an update
- name: Weather
platform: generic
still_image_url: http://www.wettergefahren.de/DWD/wetter/radar/Radarfilm_WEB_DL.gif
scan_interval: 300
I use the generic camera component
Environment Canada makes the individual GIFs available as described at http://dd.weatheroffice.ec.gc.ca/radar/doc/README_radar.txt.
Below is a config item that I put together to fetch (nearly) the latest image from the radar near Ottawa, which is refreshed every 10 minutes:
- platform: generic
name: Franktown Radar
still_image_url: http://dd.weatheroffice.ec.gc.ca/radar/PRECIPET/GIF/XFT/{{(as_timestamp(now()) - 600) | timestamp_custom('%Y%m%d%H%M', False) | regex_replace(find='(?<=\d{11})\d', replace='0')}}_XFT_PRECIPET_RAIN.gif
content_type: image/gif
limit_refetch_to_url_change: true
Here’s how the image URL is constructed:
- Base path:
- Station code:
(available from the station URLs at https://weather.gc.ca/radar/index_e.html) - Timestamp of 10 minutes (600 seconds) ago:
(as_timestamp(now()) - 600)
- Format timestamp to string in UTC:
| timestamp_custom('%Y%m%d%H%M', False)
- Replace the 12th digit with 0, to align with the 10-minute period:
| regex_replace(find='(?<=\d{11})\d', replace='0')
- Station again:
- End of filename:
And here’s the output:
For the Netherlands you can use a Buienradar gif which you can find here. You can easily change the size by editing the w=480
and h=480
platform: generic
name: Weer
still_image_url: https://api.buienradar.nl/image/1.0/RadarMapNL?w=480&h=480
content_type: 'image/gif'
Here is a great resource for getting more radars
maybe someone can make a real component out of this
What about if I have a sequence of static images as:
Where the following part of URL is changed from 1 to 20.
So, how can I have a moving image from the sequence of above static images?
It seems that as of 02:00 UTC (Oct 19, 2018) Environment Canada has stopped publishing the _XFT_PRECIPET_RAIN.gif image.
You will need to update the _XFT_PRECIPET_RAIN.gif to _XFT_COMP_PRECIPET_RAIN.gif
Hopefully this is a temporary thing but if not.
It’s temporary, they fail over to COMP (short for composite) images when a particular radar site is down.
Hagensieker, how did you get that Weather map on your card? Is is animated?
Is there a way to animate the image that’s grabbed using this method? All I’ve got is a still when I use this technique. Also, I’ve noticed that if I change the link from _WKR_PRECIPET_SNOW.gif
I get a little more detail, but it also shows the circles for radar range; do you know a file naming convention or other way to choose which ovelays are included on the image? Ideally I’d like to find a way to imbed the 10-frame animate image with the city names and roads overlay enabled.
I’ve created a camera component that returns an animated image, the details are at this thread:
image is a fall-back that is used when the actual site requested is not available. It uses surrounding radars (where available) to try to build a composite image that covers the target area.
I haven’t figured out a way to add the overlays; they don’t seem to publish them.
Let me know if you have any more questions.