- I have a Shelly EM measuring grid energy consumption
- I have a wall socket in my office measuring a subset of this energy consumption
- I have a power strip from this wall socket from which several other devices (including a PC) are powered
- I have an available energy monitoring smart plug
I want to know the energy usage of my PC by introducing a smart plug downstream of the already monitored wall socket
I want to avoid double counting energy usage
Future Use
I want to be able to add other energy monitors downstream of the wall socket with minimal configuration
I have looked at the HA Energy documentation and can’t find a description of this use case.
I assume this has been solved before, any suggestions?
I’m considering configuring a new sensor (Wall Socket - Exc monitored) calculated based on
– (Wall total increasing) - (downstream monitor total increasing)
I haven’t yet worked out the implementation details of how I would put this together, but is this a sensible plan?