I’m thinking to work a new small projet. The Goal is to convert an old door bell.
Currently It’s compose of :
a button
a hager N212/SU212 (the bell working with 8-12v ~)
a Legrand 04220 transformer (220v ~ to 8v~)
My first idea is to get the 12v ~ on the Bell, add a diode bridge and command a relay 12v.
Relay with be set to ON when it rings.
I still do know how, but I will connect the relay to an ESP-12 and push status in MQTT.
My Second idea is to detect the close circuit when the button is pushed, but I don’t know how I can make this.
Hum, it seems really interesting. I think it’s one of the best way I’ve seen for now.
I have to check if the transistor is needed, it’s something I have to order
Power from AC is a good idea too, I think I can convert to DC with diode bridge, then use a 7805 or/and a LM1117 to power ESP and Relay.