Add attribute "zone" to person

We’ve added the “persons” attribute to zones, so you can see which people are in which zone.
It would be nice to have a “zone” attribute for persons to know which zone a person is in.

There is no need for an attribute, because that data is held in the state. If a person entity is in a named zone its state will be the name of the zone. The only exception is home. When a person entity is not at home or in a named zone its state is not_home.


A small remark:
You can see in which zone some person is located.
But you cannot see which persons are located in a particular zone; exception - “Home” zone.
one, two, three

I can see that, though I didnt check whether that is because I use the ‘trick/hack’ below, or that it is plain core functionality.

Person entities lose their lat/long when in zone home, don’t think that is the same for any other zone. Doesnt matter, in my config, I have Composite device_tracker custom component track my family, and the tracker never loses lat/long. (this is very nice feature for displaying maps, and calculating templates) I did file an issue on the subject, but it was never resolved.

So, my person entities are based solely on that Composite tracker which does a much better job in that regard.

Anyways, this should be closed now, as the FR is an existing feature :wink: