Add button to see all possible assist sentences which are available

It can be quite challenging to find all the possible sentences available at the moment. Right now, I have to search through multiple sections in the intents repository, which is a bit cumbersome.

It would be fantastic to have a button or some kind of help feature within an entity dialog that displays all the possible sentences capable of triggering this entity.

Hi Michael Aigner,

I have heard this asked for to developers on the project. The problem is some languages there are tens of thousands of them.


There can be many variations, and they don’t all need to be displayed simultaneously. For instance, the UI could include a query field to search for sentences of the selected entity types (using device class info etc from the selected entity). A filter button to toggle between area-specific and entity-specific sentences could also help narrow down the results.
Essentially, it’s like a Developer Tools/Assist feature tailored to a single entity or device, potentially showing the top five suggested sentences.