Add CANCEL command to voice assistant

sometimes my TV triggers my voice hass-istant.
some times after I trigger the assistant, i change my mind.
sometimes while testing, I trigger it on purpose, but dont have a command to give it.

I see my LED blinking waiting for a response & I know in 3 seconds, im going to hear " Sorry I didint understand that!"

the Assistant needs a “cancel” command, to know to stop, cancel & shut up!

Hey Jarvis… cancel
Hey Jarvis… nevermind
Hey Jarvis… stop

Hey Jarvis… Don’t forget to vote for your own… nevermind. :wink:

oops… why does that not auto vote?

I was just googling for this !
Looks like they have a “nevermind” function,

but would be great to include “cancel” as well (my use case would need any part of the matched text to have the work cancel in it)