Add condition, in automation, to ignore state "503"


I have an automation, using scrape sensors, that will send notifications every time there’s software updates inside the threads of a forum.

The problem is that in different, and undisclosed, periods of time, the forum will be offline while the adms are doing changes/updates/backups/etc., and I will receive the change of state to “503” as a false notification of update.

Any ideia if there’s a way to add a condition to ignore a specific state?

Yes… add a condition and choose “NOT” and then state and put 503

That simple… :expressionless:

Thanks a lot!

When the state returns to the last one, after the “503”, it still gives a false notification.
00:01h - change state, from “Ver. 2.5”, to “503” [no notification]
00:06h - change state, from “503”, to “Ver. 2.5” [notification]

Any ideas, around it?

You could use a template condition:

condition: template
value_template: >
  {{ trigger.to_state.state != '503' and trigger.from_state.state != '503' }}
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Yeah, a template seemed to be the only alternative.
Will try, and test, yours. Thanks @Didgeridrew!