Someone just gave me GD00Z-4 Garage Door Opener and was able to finally get it working with the Covers Template. Can get it to open/close with the Dashboard card created. I have a zwave receptacle that turn off when leave to work. Tested the Cover with the receptacle OFF cause wanted to make sure that Cover wouldn’t open the door when the receptacle came back ON. Good news was it didn’t, but the ACCESS CONTROL entity went to 70, which I guess is for state unknown.
What would like to do is add a Conditional to the Cover in Configuration.yaml that the switch.garage_door_receptacle has to be in state ON. Doesn’t seem possible in Configuration.yaml to do that. Tried numerous attempts and just got errors in check config.
Here is the section created the cover in configuration.yaml
You can add a conditional to your open and close commands. Here’s an example of how I use a sensor to determine if I should send power to the garage door or not (otherwise close would always trigger it and it would then open if already closed):
It just won’t turn the receptacle ON. So figured would write a script to see if could do it, then duplicate it in the configuration.yaml. script wrote:
alias: Garage Door OPEN Test With Switch OFF.
- condition: state
entity_id: switch.garage_door_receptacle
state: 'off'
- service: switch.turn_on
entity_id: switch.garage_door_receptacle
data: {}
- delay: '00:00:00'
- service: cover.open_cover
data: {}
entity_id: cover.garage_door_open_close
mode: single
icon: 'mdi:garage'
Also did an CLOSE with the switch (receptacle) OFF. Both work fine!!
They turn the switch (receptacle) on and the controller starts beeping and opens or closes the door.
Figured maybe it was in the Dashboard Card. So did a test: Removed/Saved the cover.garage_door_open_close. Then readded that and the cover.garage_door entity that shows up.
cover.garage_door_open_close won’t turn on the receptacle and will just open the door, if the receptacle is already ON.
The cover.garage_door will take what is in the config and turn the receptacle ON. But then says: " Failed to call service cover/open_cover. Unable to find service script.open_garage_door". And doesn’t do anything if the receptacle is already ON. Because: Garage Door: Test condition state: False
Which leds to another problem where need it to work if receptacle is ON and if OFF turn it on. But think could just add another condition, if could get the 1st one to work in config file and not just with an non-service script I wrote.
Rebooted (have just been reloading the scripts) and still nogo.
Think might have to just write automation script and change the Dashboard Card.
The sensor.garage_door_access_control gets in the unknown state: 70 will the fails so have to keep resetting the states.
Changed the cover.open_garage_door_open_close in the config to the other entity that shows up, the cover.open_garage_door, but upon reboot, same results. So that wasn’t it.
Pretty sure I just have something messed up or misunderstood.
These are the entities have associate with the Door Opener:
cover.garage_door: state open/closed
cover.garage_door_open_close: state open/closed
sensor.garage_door_access_control: state usually 0, 70 or 254
sensor.garage_door_alarm_type and level
Probably something simple I am missing, since only started using Hassio couple weeks ago.
LOL what a difference indentions make! Worse than python, cause at least it tells you.
Anywho, that sort of worked, but ran into the same problem got earlier with: Garage Door: Test condition state: False
Decided before you was able to respond with the indention to remove the condition and just turn on the receptacle to avoid that issue. Instead made two Dashboard Cards: Open and Close.
type: entity-button
entity: cover.garage_door_open_close
action: call-service
service: script.1612046300397
name: Garage Door Close
show_state: true
type: entity-button
entity: cover.garage_door_open_close
action: call-service
service: script.1612046135250
name: Garage Door Open
show_state: true
icon: 'hassio:garage-open'
I think like the separate button cards better anyway than the up/down arrows. I’ll play with it some more. Might turn the switch (receptacle) back OFF after the door is down.
Also change from when testing using the cover.garage_door to the cover.garage_door.open_close cause the later showed opening and closing where as the former just showed the final status.
Bad thing about this device, have to seem to reset it lot while testing. Cause won’t work if in unknown state. Then you think maybe your script,… is bad.