Add Cover Position Slider on Tile Feature

Love the new Features on Tile Card especially the support for cover open-close. It would be great if we could use the brightness slider to support a cover position. E.g. 50% on the slider would set the cover to half open.

Dude I hope this gets more attention
Actually waiting already for months thinking they would implement the new tile feature (widgets) for covers as well but its just not happening.

What bothers me is that it has been implemented on the new ui but not as a widgets. Drives me crazy lol xD

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it seems it was added in 2023.9, but I cannot figure out the code for this…


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You can find this in the docs: Tile Card - Home Assistant

Only thing that is missing for me is the new value when changing the slider.

If I explain : when opening the cover entity and changing the slider, the value updates so you can see the value are setting.

On the tile card, when you change the slider position, you don’t see the value that you are going to set, unless you wait ^^

Hmm, I get “Unknown type encountered: cover-position”.

cover-position is not offered in the GUI, only cover-open-close. Are their additional requirements for this to work, apart from 2023.9?

It works now, in code and in the GUI, but I didn’t change anything. Maybe something had to reload somewhere…

Closing as implemented in 2023.9. If you have issues configuring it open a new topic in the Configuration category.

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